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Welcome to
The View School

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Head Teacher - Louise Bourne

It's with great pride that I welcome you to The View School and our website. Our whole school, including pupils, parents and staff, are passionate about learning and developing the skills and knowledge to become successful in all aspects of our lives. We are one team, working toward shared outcomes, supporting one another in meeting the challenges that arise in our daily lives.

Our Mission

To provide our students with the confidence and resilience to meet the challenges that act as barriers to their education and impact upon successful outcomes in their everyday lives

About: Headliner

Our Values

To provide a reflective and ever-evolving provision that continuously develops


To support our whole school community in their learning


To promote respect and understanding of other people and their views


To enable our students in meeting the social challenges they face; becoming active and positive contributors to the broader community 


To deliver a curriculum and approach which inspires our learners


To work with students, parents and other professionals to provide the best opportunities for our students both now and in the future.

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About: Photo Gallery
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