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Home: Welcome

Empowering our students with the freedom of choice

Welcome to
The View School

The View School is an Independent Special School providing education for young people with Social Emotional and Mental health difficulties, including a diagnosis of an Autistic Spectrum Condition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Pathological Demand Avoidance & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder during Secondary and Post 16 phases of education

Mission Statement


To provide our students with the confidence and resilience to meet the challenges that act as barriers to their education and impact upon successful outcomes in their everyday lives

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Learning at The View School

We provide a full and varied curriculum which enables our students to learn at the level and pace which is appropriate to them. Building upon positive experiences, reinforcing appropriate behaviours and inspiring our students to strive to achieve; we create a culture of enquiry and personal growth.


National Events

We feel passionately about sharing our knowledge and best practices. Each year we attend a number of National events and provide training to Schools, Local Authority Commissioner and other professionals. If you would like to know more about our training and development support services please get in touch.


Joining us

In this section you’ll be able to find the things you need to know before choosing a school. These are the first things that parents and carers look for when taking the first steps to finding an environment and approach that they feel will be able to meet their child’s needs.

Contact Us

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telephone: 01732 865049

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The View School, Church Street, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 5BD

Head teacher - Louise Bourne

Department for education Number: 886/6155

The View School Limited - registered in England and Wales - company number 11313257

director - Julian Roberts

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